Forecast: Mo, 01.07.2024, Europe

Cities: 1125 (7) Temp. Weather
Gorlice 23°C  showers and thunderstorms
Görlitz 22°C  showers and thunderstorms
Gorzów Wielkopolski 22°C  showers and thunderstorms
Gostyń 22°C  showers and thunderstorms
Gotha 20°C  showers and thunderstorms
Gottfrieding 22°C  showers and thunderstorms
Gozdnica 21°C  showers and thunderstorms
Grabowiec 25°C  showers and thunderstorms
Gräfenberg 20°C  showers and thunderstorms
Grafenwöhr 20°C  showers and thunderstorms
Grajewo 24°C  showers and thunderstorms
Granollers 23°C  showers and thunderstorms
Gray 23°C  showers and thunderstorms
Graz 22°C  heavy showers and thunderstorms
Gremyachinsk 25°C  isolated showers and thunderstorms

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